John Laughland on TNT radio & Russian-Ukraine-Europe Crisis

Listen podcast on the website GUEST OVERVIEW: John Laughland is Director of Forum for Democracy International. Lecturer in political science and history at the Catholic Institute of the Vendée in Western France. Currently Visiting Fellow at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest, Hungary.

Shocking document: How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe /utrikes/shocking-document-how-the-us-planned-the-war-and-energy-crisis-in-europe/ 15/9/2022 Utrikes International In what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the think tank RAND Corporation, known among other things to have been behind the American strategy for foreign and defence policies during the Cold War, a detailed account is given of how the energy crisis in Europe has been planned … Read more

Europe is building a huge international Facial recognition System /story/europe-police-facial-recognition-prum/ Lawmakers advance proposals to let police forces across the EU link their photo databases—which include millions of pictures of people’s faces. Matt Burgess 6/4/2022 The AI Database → For the past 15 years, police forces searching for criminals in Europe have been able to share fingerprints, DNA data, and details of vehicle owners … Read more

Meta’s threat to close down Facebook and Instagram in Europe backfires as EU leaders embrace shutdown: ‘Life would be very good without’ – Irish case /metas-threat-to-close-down-facebook-and-instagram-in-europe-backfires-as-eu-leaders-embrace-shutdown-life-would-be-very-good-without/ By: Michiel Willems 9/2/2022 Wednesday 09 February 2022 8:45 am European leaders have embraced Meta’s indirect warning to shut down its Facebook and Instagram operations across Europe if the social media giant is no longer able to process Europeans’ data on US servers. Last night, Germany’s new economy minister Robert Habeck told reporters … Read more