TCW’s Covid Roll of Honour 1 – Yeadon, Coast Guy and everyday heroes

Source: The Conservative Woman
By Kathy Gyngell December 28, 2021

WE begin our TCW Covid roll of honour today with our writers’ nominations. Of the heroes and heroines who have put their heads above the parapet, called out the lies, risked their jobs and suffered defamation and demonisation for challenging the oppressive groupthink, and for their conscientious pursuit not just of the truth but what is right, regardless of the consequences, two stand out. (Readers’ nominations will follow on Thursday December 30.)

Michael Fahey

This was a difficult choice. There have been quite a few champions willing to put careers and reputations on the line to speak against this madness. I was initially planning to go for the Coast Guy, Neil Oliver. His monologues have brought some much-needed sanity to the people, giving them comfort in a time when we are being pressured by the manic pro-restriction nutjobs. However, after spotting Ravenscar’s comment on your article asking for nominations, my nod must go to those individuals who have resisted this from the start. Ordinary citizens who have faced loss of livelihood and who no doubt have been ostracised by their family and/or friends for their brave stance in this madness. I include in this the care home workers, who have worked for little money and reward over the last nearly two years and who, after being the focus of the clap-a-thon last year, have now lost their jobs because they refuse to be injected with something that 1) doesn’t work and 2) could cause serious side effects including heart attacks. 

I understand that if you are speaking against this madness from a position of authority, you have a long way to fall should the authoritarians come for you, but for ordinary citizens, many who have worked on minimum wage, taking a stance against this lunacy has been much harder. The ordinary people who have resisted from the start, take a bow. 

Kathy Gyngell

Mike Yeadon

He is controversial, he has been struck off Twitter, he has been demonised and defamed (in my opinion by Reuters and the Times), he has shared his most alarming of fears with the world about the Covid ‘vaccines’ about which he may yet be proved to be right. Look on Google and all you see is a bevy of inferior fact-checkers and journalists competing to accuse him of ‘mistruths’ (that’s a new one on me), false and unfounded claims and of course being that pariah – an ‘anti-vaxxer’. But if ever there were a prophet of our times, it is he. 

The simple truth is that before Mike Yeadon’s November 2020 video went viral, no senior British scientist or pharmacologist had put their head above the parapet to the question the lockdown narrative. It is salutary to watch the video again. Nothing he says has proved to be wrong. The reverse is indeed the case. Take this:

‘One of the most troubling things I have heard this year was Mr Johnson telling us about the Moonshot, testing everybody, possibly every day, as the way out of this problem. But I am telling you it is the way to keep us in this problem . . . the false positive rate will be far too large for us to accept. It will produce an enormous number of false positives. What we should do is stop mass testing – not only is it an affront to your liberty but . . . it will be a pathology all of its own.’

Thus spake the scientific seer more than a year ago.

No other British scientist of Yeadon’s authority has come anywhere near him in either defining the corrupted science and thought processes that have kept the ‘pandemic’ alive, or indeed in questioning the safety of the rushed-through gene therapy vaccines. It was Mike Yeadon as the leading light of Doctors for Covid Ethics who first brought this to our attention in a letter in February this year to the European Medicines Agency demanding that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn. You can find all letters, replies and rebuttals here along with the hundreds of signatories from 30 countries.

Like his American peers, Yeadon has become increasingly worried about the agenda and motivation behind what appears to be a vaccination end goal. Here he rehearses the eight Covid lies that make him so suspicious.

Whether he is proved right on an active conspiracy to change the course of humanity or whether governments have simply foolishly capitulated to the corrupt – indeed criminal – actions of Big Pharma and to Central Bank ambitions, only time will tell. But for his informed, cogent and courageous warnings I believe Yeadon will come to be regarded as the prophet of our time. He stands head and shoulders above anyone else in this country. 

Tomorrow we publish our pick of readers nominations for our TCW Covid Wall of Shame.