Senator Sharon Keogan – Covid Inquiry

At the end of August, both the UK and Northern Ireland established independent covid-19 inquiries examining the response to the pandemic leveled by Boris Johnson’s cabinet and the NI Executive respectively. Ireland’s is nowhere to be seen — why is this country’s leadership so afraid of accountability? I first raised the issue in this chamber … Read more

Senator Sharon Keogan- Health & Criminal Justice (Covid19) Amendment Bill (No.2) Bill 2021 – 9 December 2021

9 December 2021Source: Senator Sharon Keogan The time limited nature of these acts has been stressed so heavily but yet each sunset clause was used in its entirety in every single one for the full amount. When we debated those Minister you stressed that was the last of it. These changes went through the houses … Read more

Health( Preservation, Protection & Other Emergencies Act 2020. – Senator Keogan

Senator Sharon Keogan I will be voting against the motion of Health( Preservation & Protection & Other Emergencies services in the public interest Act 2020. We are coming up to 2 years of living with Covid and we understand the impact this level of disease is having on our health services. This means you’ve had … Read more