Davos: the place where communism and capitalism meet

Source: Forum voor Democratie (Dutch political Party), google translated14 September 2022 Colloquially, ‘materialism’ means something like greed. A materialistic person is someone who cares more about things than people. But the word also has a technical meaning in philosophy, more specifically in metaphysics. There materialism is the idea that everything can ultimately be reduced to … Read more

Rudolf Steiner – Anthroposophy

The problem we aim to solve The advent of the technological revolution has caused mankind to fall into a deep materialism. Much of our former cultural life has been stripped away and is now supplied for us through television and computerized devices. We no longer ask ourselves important life questions but instead seek authoritative answers … Read more

Freedom in cultural-spiritual life

www.revolution-2030.info /en/spiritual-life/ Freedom in cultural-spiritual life An objective essential is freedom in spiritual life. This means that intellectual life must also be organized autonomously, and all educational institutions must be freed from state administration. Public schools run by the state cannot exist in a healthy social organism; they will always produce social diseases. Likewise, universities … Read more

Waking up in a Nightmare

off-guardian.org /2022/07/23/waking-up-in-a-nightmare/ Editor23/7/2022 One thing this global awakening (at least an awakening for me and my fellow shrews) has made me realize is that we all have been living in utter hell for quite some time. I won’t speak for you, but for me it seems all of the advancements in technology have not really … Read more